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Thursday, 30 October 2008

Sign Of The Times

Well, its a sad state of affairs. The credit crunch is all around and is going to get worst. Most freelancers are feeling the pinch as their news shifts get cut in numbers and commercial work slows down.
One early casualty has been Digital Railroad with whom I've had my archive for a while. They suspended operations on October 28 and it looks like members have until October 31 to access their archives.
Photoshelter has come to the rescue offering photographers a way of transferring their archives straight from DDR to their servers. I must admit to trying this four times and failing on all attempts. The best I could do was get little thumbnails saying image not present. You may have had a better result. In the end I ended up transferring everything from my Mac. Another good example of back everything up!
If you have a DRR account, you should have received an email from them and also from Photoshelter who are offering an extra three months membership for anyone migrating from DRR. If you haven't, I strongly urge you too look into the situation and come up with an action plan.
My only worry is that if the DRR is liquidated, what happens to all the images on their servers? I can't see the liquidation company taking time to securely erase all data before selling off the hardware. I urge everybody with a DRR account to contact Diablo Management Group and urge them to securely erase all customer data and image data:

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