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Wednesday 23 July 2008

Apple iPod Touch and iPhone Version 2.0 Update

I've written about my fondness of the iPod Touch before, so I won't be going over those comments.
What I did want to share though was the amazing Version 2.0 update. I don't have an iPhone yet, so my comments are from experiencing the update on the Touch, but the same should hold for the iPhone.
I upgraded around a week ago and I must say its turned my unit into a completely new piece of kit, making it even more useful than ever.
The most obvious change is the "App Store" which can be accessed either from iTunes or the iPod Touch itself. There are already loads of applications available, ranging from utilities to games.
I've installed a few things:
1-File Magnet which allows you to transfer files across from your computer.
2-Vicinity which finds your location using WiFi triangulation and lets you know where nearby places are, including banks, bars, hotels, convenience stores, hotels, restaurants, taxis etc. Absolute genius software.
3-Google Mobile App which works like Spotlight for the unit. Superb.
4-Backgammon which has got me hooked, and
5-Super Monkey Ball which is a very entertaining game where you control game play by tilting the unit! Very novel!

One of the other big changes is "Mobile Me" which is the new name for ".Mac". This "pushes" changes to your calendar and phonebook straight across to your unit (its having some teething problems and doesn't happen immediately yet) and also pushes new email to the unit without you having to do this manually.

Just moving away from the iPod and iPhone, the "Mobile Me" service works perfectly with your other Macs. I now have all my Macs fully synced automatically. Its absolutely superb!

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