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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Muse Now Available on Openfilm

After a request from the website Openfilm, Muse is now available for viewing on their service.
If you have yet to se the film, please do check it out. As its my first ever film, I'm very keen on feedback, so please feel free to leave feedback either there, or here on the blog.
To date, the film has had over 28,000 views. To put this in context, this is more views than some classic arthouse films get seen in cinemas around the world.
The film was shot on a Canon 5D MkII using the following Canon lenses: 16-35mm f2.8L II, 35mm f1.4L, 45mm TS-E, 50mm Macro, 85mm f1.2L II and 135mm f2L. The entire film was shot over three evenings and edited on a Mac Pro using various modules of Apple's Final Cut Studio.
Its also available for viewing on Vimeo, SmugMug and YouTube.


  1. I watched this first on SmugMug at low res and now at hi-res and I have to say its pretty wonderful. Just having picked up at mark II myself I have a couple questions. Did you shoot with mostly ambient light? Also, where did you get the music? It works really well and gives the whole film a very nice feel. Anyway. Great work. I linked your blog to mine. I look forward to seeing more of our stuff in the future.

  2. Thanks Tristan, most kind. Glad you lied it.
    All of the scenes, apart from the still objects in the end were with ambient light. I used f1.2 and f1.4 lenses so there was more than enough light to play with. The music was from a composer friend of a friend. I sent him a rough cut and he kindly provided four pieces he had done. The first time I heard the track (which was the second he sent) I knew it was perfect. Before getting his recommendations, I had spent close to a whole day listening to music and had already picked out two more contemporary pieces for the film, but his blew my mind. Its so important to spend time and find the right music.

  3. Hi Edmond !
    It's quite better on Openfilm than SmugMug, that's true ! I like it very much, especially the streets scenes...
    Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks also fot the tech tips, by the way, at which ISO did you shoot it?
    I didn't tried yet a lot the video capacities, but I had some "jumps" of images each x seconds... I use a 4Gb SanDisk Extremme III (30Mb/s), would it be the card too slow, or some other reason ?
    Thanks for wise advices !

  4. The ISO is chosen automatically, so its anything up to 3200 ASA. As far as cards are concerned, I used Sandisk 8Gb Extreme IV cards without issue. The Extreme III, as you say, may be too slow.
    Have fun with the camera :-)
