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Wednesday 15 July 2009

PPY Private View

PPY, the Press Photographer's Year had its prize giving and private view on July 13th. In its fourth year it brought together the best in press photography and photojournalism from the UK, and photographers working internationally for UK publications.

Winner of Photograph of the Year, Rosie Hallam

Co-founder of the awards, Tim Bishop

Leon Neal receives his award in the portrait category
from Canon's Matt Beard

Its an absolutely superb exhibition, based in the Lyttelton Foyer of the National Theatre on the Southbank. The exhibition's on 'till Monday, 31st August 2009. I can't recommend this exhibition enough; its stunning.

PS - If you see a picture of Barack Obama whilst there, I'm proud to say, its mine!


  1. Thanks for the tip on this. Roped my wife, sister, her boyfrind, and my parents in to see it on a recent trip back to the motherland and it was fantastic. Great pic of Obama, and loved Leon Neal's pic of Yushchenko among so many others.

  2. Many thanks for the kind words; really happy you liked the exhibition.
